Saturday, January 5, 2008

Maybe Dr. Paul is on to something

Like a robot, Ron Paul's answer to every question in this evening's debate kept coming back to monetary policy. Deficit spending forces the government to print more money, which leads to all of the ailments we face: spiraling health care costs, stagnant wages, outsourcing of jobs. Due to the 1 minute time limit on responses, his arguments require a good bit of background on the part of the listener that I suspect most Americans don't have. Even though I buy a number of his arguments, I fear he is coming across as a crazy old grandfather that wears tin hats when he is not on stage.

After reading this article, perhaps Dr. Paul is on to something. While the UK has certainly improved economically in the last decade or two, a large reason for it passing the US in quality of life has to do with the fall of the dollar and rise of the pound. The next generation of US leadership will have to tackle US economic decline. Perhaps they should be listening to Dr. Paul for one facet of their economic policy.

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