Friday, January 4, 2008

What is Mainstream Conservatism?

Power Line has an interesting take on the Iowa results, citing mainstream conservatism as the real loser on the Republican side. I'm wondering what mainstream conservatism is. Current conservatism in this country is an odd forced marriage of religious voters, fiscal and small government conservatives, and believes in strong national security with anti-immigrant voters throwing their weight around holding a position that is dangerously close to xenophobia.

Paul at Power Line laments that if only Congress and President Bush performed better and adhered to these values George Allen or Bill Frist would have a chance be president - putting these two forth as examples of true mainstream conservatives. The problem is that it is exactly because some Republicans identify conservatives as those who can check all the boxes (man of faith, fiscally responsible, anti-immigration, etc.) that we end up with "conservatives" that have failed us in the ways Hassert's congress and Bush's White House have failed us.

On a quick note, it is Allen frequent gaffes and inability to show any flashes of deep political thoughts that lost him his seat and a shot at the White House, not anyone else's failures. Frist's downfall began when he lost himself trying to please Christian Conservatives abandoning all sense of reason and made a medical diagnosis via cable TV in the case of Terry Schiavo.

Huckabee's flaws and positions make his victory a set back for the Republican Party, that hopefully will be limited to Iowa. However, Romney, Guiliani, and to a slightly lesser extent McCain represent what mainstream conservatism is, or at least must be. Rather than blind adherence to the varying doctrines of the conservative factions, true mainstream conservatism is about limited government, fiscal restraint, and individual choice as guiding principles.

Republicans don't need a conservative John Edwards or Nancy Pelosi, paying lip service and declaring absolute allegiance to the sacred cows of the extreme wings of the party.

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