Monday, January 28, 2008

Shocking: Congress Wastes Tax-Payer Dollars

The Washington Post has an article today questioning the value of carbon offsets purchased by the US House of Representatives billed to the American tax payer.
Is anyone really surprised that Congressional Democrats are giving away money in the name of liberal special interests?

Is it a shock that people like Al Gore and former Goldman Sachs executive David Blood are championing carbon offsets when they are the ones taking the money?

If climate change is truly the problem that so many "the sky is falling" alarmists claim it is, let's have an honest debate about honest solutions. The first inconvenient truth is that is cost everyone a lot of money. It's not just corporations, or the rich who will bear the burden, it's everyone. Gas prices that are already hurting lower income Americans will increase, as will heating costs from natural gas.

Once average Americans learn that it is their actions that need to change, and their wallets that will be impacted, and not just ExxonMobile and George Bush, they'll take a better look at how real the problem is and the debate will move past ideological consensus to actual science.

If Congressional Democrats are truly concerned with global warming, wouldn't you prefer they change their behavior and spend their money and not your

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